Gain a foundation in data management and systems design plus skills vital to developer leadership roles.

Most businesses depend on Information Systems to implement critical aspects of their Knowledge Management process. Understanding the information management and system design needs of a client is just the starting point.

Aspen’s Master of Science in Information Systems programs are designed to provide computing professionals with the knowledge and skills required to be productive contributors to all aspects of the information systems lifecycle from business needs and requirements, through acquisition and development, to deployment, installation, test, and operations, with a focus on development.

The Enterprise Applications Development specialization focuses on standalone applications as well as client/server and other networked solutions.

This specialization aims to provide you with an education that will help prepare you for ongoing success in multiple fields related to information systems and industrial computing.

Finish Fast – Can complete in 18 months
Enjoy Flexibility – 12 courses with start dates every 2 weeks
Choose Where You Learn – 100% online courses
Affordable Monthly Payments – Opt to pay $375 per month
Focus On Your Passion – Choose your Capstone

Students who complete the master’s degree with a specialization in Enterprise Application Development (EAD) will graduate with a solid foundation in essential areas of data management and systems design as well as the technical and organizational skills vital to a leadership role as a developer.

Follow a customized study track that modifies the core curriculum of courses which includes Management of Information Systems, e-Business, and XML Programming, to incorporate EAD specific classes on topics such as Java Programming and Information Systems Strategic Planning.

In addition to helping students build a targeted set of skills through traditional coursework, before graduation, students will complete an individualized project that will allow them to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired to create an integrated, sophisticated project that is suitable for inclusion in their portfolio.

Is This Program for Me?

These programs are designed for learners with a technical bachelor’s degree (in some computing discipline, engineering, mathematics, or statistics) or any bachelor’s degree and at least two years of professional experience in the proposed area of study.

Graduate Capstone

Graduate students are required to complete a Capstone project. This individualized project allows students to apply knowledge and skills acquired in their courses and real-world experiences.

Get in touch to learn more.

Admission Requirements

  • Application – A completed application.
  • Bachelor’s Degree Transcripts – Official transcript demonstrating a conferred bachelor’s degree from an institution that is accredited by a CHEA recognized accrediting body or an international equivalent.
  • Military Documentation (Optional) – A copy of the most recent orders; or a copy of DD214 (This can be requested from the National Archives.)
  • Applicants must demonstrate one of the following:
    • Successful completion of two undergraduate level information systems courses
    • Successful completion of undergraduate information systems program at an appropriately accredited university


    This course imparts valuable insight into the planning, organizing, and controlling of user services. Managing the essential technologies as well as the management of the traditional information systems development process is explored. This course also incorporates investigation into organizational learning curves, dealing with vendors, budgeting, accounting, management reporting, and legal considerations of information systems (IS). Each module in this course melds textbook material with additional content from external resources. This course addresses issues and strategies enabled through creative exercises and brief research projects designed to help students synthesize new learning and apply the concepts presented. Each encourages critical thinking about the subject matter. A broad range of analysis and synthesis skills, such as inference, recognition of assumptions, deduction, evaluation of arguments, and interpretation are enlisted through such project-oriented assignments. Investigating articles and case studies that present timely and different approaches to information systems management assists in emulating real MIS challenges. Discussion questions afford online interactive students the opportunity to exchange ideas with peer learners on current topics concerning this dynamic field.

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    This course investigates the use of object-oriented approaches to modeling software requirements and design. Topics covered in detail include an introduction to object oriented analysis & design (OOAD), specifying a system’s requirements using a use-case driven approach, defining a set of candidate classes that suitably model a problem domain, and leveraging the experience of experts by applying analysis and design patterns to describe the solution domain. Students will develop a hands-on experience of using the widely adopted graphical modeling language – the Unified Modeling Language (UML) version 2.0 – to visually model concepts and decisions in both the problem and the proposed-solution domains. A mix of a semester-long course project and case studies will be used to illustrate the application of the major concepts discussed. The course project will expose the student to a practical OOAD road map from requirements analysis to system design.

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    This C++ training course presents a thorough hands-on introduction to object oriented programming in C++ for experienced C programmers. The central concepts of C++ syntax and style are taught in the context of using object-oriented methods to achieve reusability, adaptability and reliability. Emphasis is placed on the features of C++ that support abstract data types, inheritance, and polymorphism. Students will learn to apply the process of data abstraction and class design. Programming examples and exercises are provided. Practical aspects of C++ programming including efficiency, performance, testing, and reliability considerations are stressed throughout. Prior programming experience with C is recommended.

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    The goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the SQL language. This course not only covers the syntax of SQL, but also shows how it can be used to create and maintain a database and retrieve information from it. It also provides an introduction to relational databases.

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    This course provides thorough coverage of the Java programming language and the object oriented nature of Java is covered extensively. Also covered in depth are the APIs included with the Java, such as I/O, Threading, Database connectivity, and networking. This course is designed for the student who has some programming experience. A student ought to be able to work with loops, conditionals, arrays, and subroutines or functions in some language before attempting this course. Those students with a background in C, C++, Perl or some related language will find the syntax familiar, as Java uses basically the same syntax as C. Students who have experience using pointers and references will also find the course less difficult than those with no such experience. Finally, the most difficult part of the course for those with no such background is Java’s object oriented nature. Any student who is comfortable with Object Oriented Concepts should find this course much easier than a student who has no such background.

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    Explores the components of an eBusiness and describes how this structure can provide value to the customer. Focus is on learning the eBusiness terminology, advantages and disadvantages of running a business on the internet, and the most appropriate business models. Examines the value of aligning eBusiness practices with the organization’s mission and vision.

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    Focus is on HTML5, which a primary markup language for the world wide web and its current style language, cascading style sheets (CCS). By using real-world examples, students will learn about the language syntax and layouts. A key learning aspect is JavaScript, which will empower students with the skills to build client-side, platform-independent, solutions that provide value to their organization. The JavaScript lessons include discussion related to controlling statements, functions, arrays, objects, document object model (DOM), and events. These combined skills prepare students to meet the evolving demands of designing and building engaging and interactive websites.

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    A strong foundation for understanding what is meant by information technology and the business side of managing it, information technology in the context of organizations and their use of it. Focus is on business pressures and the strategies used to counter them, especially through the use of Web-based strategic information systems. Examination of electronic commerce applications related to the use of supply chain management to make products and services available for their customers, such as through Business to Consumer (B2C), Business to Business (B2B), Business to Employee (B2E), and Business to Government (B2G).

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    This beginning Extensible Markup Language (XML) course investigates and outlines the use of XML Schemas, SOAP, XSLT, DOM, and SAX 2.0. Major Course Goals for this course are to 1) gain an exposure to XML and how it is being used in application development and 2) understand how XML is used in enterprise application deployment. It’s most well-known applications are web related but it can be used on other non-web-based applications as a replacement for traditional databases or for the transfer of financial information between businesses. To illustrate and reinforce course concepts, a variety of examples, readings, exercises and required terms to become familiar with and use will be examined along with two case studies. Topics throughout the course to be discussed in detail are an introduction to XML – “”a mark-up language used to describe the structure of data in meaningful ways”” and how XML may be used (anywhere that data is input/output, stored, or transmitted from one place to another and is a potential fit for XML’s capabilities).

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    This course provides a thorough coverage of enterprise-computing technologies using the Java Enterprise Edition. It focuses on Java EE 6 – a recent version of the Java EE specification that includes several features that simplify enterprise application development. It covers how to build multi-tier distributed applications using Java EE APIs as JSPs, Servlets, JSTL, JSF, JPA, EJBs, JMS, MDBs, JAX-WS, and JAX-RS. Specifically it addresses how to build web-based user interfaces, business logic layer and the data access layers. The course will also expose students to the use of NetBeans – a free integrated development environment (IDE) that provide support for all features of Java EE 6. This course is designed for the student who has some Java programming experience. A student ought to be very comfortable with object-oriented programming using Java. It is also important for the student to be familiar with several of Java’s APIs, the most important of which for our purposes are JDBC and I/O and Serialization. While not required, prior experience with developing dynamic web contents using PHP, CGI, or ASP will also put a prospective student at an advantage. Also, students with experience using some messaging service or developing distributed applications using COM or CORBA, will find portions of the course simpler.

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    In today’s fast-paced and dynamic environment, innovative information technology and system development projects are critical to many companies’ success. The emphasis on such projects creates greater demand from senior management to deliver quality information technology projects on time, within budget, and which add functionality and value to their customers and clients. IT Project Management will teach the project manager how to integrate sound project management principles in the information technology project’s development profile in order to assure every aspect of the project is under control and delivers the technical objectives. This course will also cover the IT project’s life cycle from initiation through closeout and address all the components of project management as they relate to IT projects, based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® GUIDE) as defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

    3 Credits
    Required Books

    The capstone project allows students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their courses to the work environment. This project is completely individualized; students are encouraged to select work-related projects that are of particular interest to them and that will result in professional growth and benefit the organization.

    3 Credits
    Required Books