Student Spotlight: Heather W. From “Little Nurse” to Nurse Leader

Please enjoy this inspiring essay from Heather Watts, who earned her BSN — and just recently her MSN in Forensic Nursing — from Aspen University.   Graduation…the moment we get to walk across the stage, shake hands with some of our mentors and professors, be handed our diplomas and proclaim to the world, our family … Keep Reading

Student Spotlight: Tammy A. Prioritizes Patient Safety and Quality Care

This past holiday season, a Nashville nurse sang bedside Christmas carols with a patient undergoing chemotherapy. Similarly, a patient in an Atlanta hospital was given a flash-mob style “Backstreet Boys” concert by a team of nurses who knew that the patient had planned to see the actual BSB, but due to her diagnosis was no … Keep Reading

Student Spotlight: Carol’s Second Act? RN to BSN!

Sixty-four years young, Carol G. is an energetic and self-described “chatty Cathy” who recently fulfilled a lifelong dream of earning her BSN.  It was a long time coming. Carol started her nursing career in 1976 after graduating with an ADN from Wallace Community College in Dothan, Alabama. She fulfilled various nursing positions, including direct patient … Keep Reading

Student Spotlight: Nestor M.’s Oath to Help Those In Need

Roberto Clemente is a name many baseball fans recognize, but for Puerto Ricans like soon-to-be Aspen University graduate Nestor Medina, hold Roberto in reverence. As a professional baseball player, Clemente ranks among the best of all time. He was awarded 12 Gold Gloves, selected as the 1966 National League MVP and the 1971 World Series … Keep Reading

Student Spotlight: Brenda O.’s Recipe for Living Your Best Life

Brenda’s Recipe for Nurse Educator Success: First, take a scoop of passion for nursing and fold in a desire to teach. Add a touch of fastidiousness, and drizzle in some curiosity. Mix well with hard work and a yearning for beauty. The secret ingredient is life-long learning — I chose Aspen University for my MSN. … Keep Reading

Student Spotlight: Lorrie M., Insurance RN Case Manager: A Day In The Life

Ranging from hospital-based roles to outpatient clinics to hospice to insurance companies, nurses today have more professional options than ever before. I have held healthcare-related positions for over 35 years and served as a registered nurse for over 20 years. I have worked in both in-patient and outpatient health care. At the moment, I work … Keep Reading

Student Spotlight: Brooke C., EdD, the Principled (Assistant) Principal

The Principled (Assistant) Principal Brooke C., Ed.D,  Education Leadership and Learning “We discussed issues in academia, examined how challenges and opportunities manifested within our institutions and studied the best practices for leadership behavior.” “I want to help others grow. I want to develop my leadership skills, so I can help others achieve their potential. It … Keep Reading

Student Spotlight: Tamara N., One of Aspen’s First Forensic Nursing Grads

“It’s about my patients…This is what drives me. It’s about taking care of people that can’t take care of themselves.”   “My dad was driven. I get my work ethic from him.” Retired Technical Sergeant (TSgt) Tamara N., 54, enrolled in the Air Force right out of high school where she established herself as a … Keep Reading

Student Spotlight: Phyllis D.’s MSN Capstone On Nurse Bullying Published

Phyllis D. RN to MSN, Nursing Education “We are caretakers, and bullying shouldn’t occur in a hospital setting. I thought writing about it would help fellow nurses confront bullying activities and give additional resources so that supervisors are properly trained on spotting bullies.”   Phyllis D. was a young mother of three children (ages 1, … Keep Reading

Student Spotlight: Bulah P.’s BSN Goals Had No Expiration Date

Goals and Dreams Don’t Have an Expiration Date Even after 14 years on the job, Aspen taught Bulah to look at her work “through a different lens.” Bulah P. has worked as a nurse for the past 14 years. “Being a nurse is not just a job for me. It’s not even a career. It’s … Keep Reading