Finding Your DNP Project Site: 7-Step Guide

Obtaining a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree is a monumental accomplishment for any nurse, but reaching the pinnacle of your education is no easy feat. A significant component of the DNP program includes the implementation of an evidence-based quality-improvement project through immersion hours in a healthcare facility. However, finding a practicum site that supports … Keep Reading

What Can You Do With a DNP Degree?

With so many options for nursing education, one of the highest degrees a nurse can pursue is a Doctor of Nursing Practice. The demand for DNP-prepared nurses has increased exponentially in the past decade. But what are the next steps after you’ve obtained the terminal degree? What can you do with a DNP degree? What … Keep Reading

Four High-Demand Nursing Jobs and Specialties for 2022

As we enter the second full year of the pandemic, the healthcare industry continues to evolve in response to COVID-19—with the need for more nurses growing every day. Even before the pandemic, the employment of registered nurses was projected to grow faster than any other profession over the next decade. But with these sweeping healthcare … Keep Reading

5 Tips for Taking Online Nursing Classes

Are you considering online nursing classes? You’re in luck! Technological advances have made it easy for students to complete online degree programs from anywhere in the world. In 2020, an estimated 84% of new undergraduate students enrolled in online degree programs. The unique flexibility that virtual classes offer has resulted in this significant increase in online … Keep Reading

How You Can Benefit from a BSN Degree

While there are many degrees in nursing and education routes, from hospital training programs to accelerated bachelor’s degree and MSN bridge programs, the most common degree for nurses in the hospital setting has traditionally been an associate’s. But the nursing field is shifting, and now registered nurses (RNs) with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing … Keep Reading

Alona Earned Her BSN After a 17-Year Break, and She’s Ready for More

Becoming an attorney was the initial plan for Alona Roldan. But when hefty education costs left her looking for a different career path, she fell in love with nursing. Now Alona, who works as a program manager for a Medicare Advantage Health Plan, wants to grow her nursing career even more and push the envelope … Keep Reading

How to Become an Online Nursing Instructor

Teaching nursing students from the comfort of your home can be an excellent way to take your nursing career in a new direction. But how can you find a job as an online nursing instructor or educator? What kind of responsibilities does a nurse educator have? As more and more nurses transition to remote nursing … Keep Reading

Did You Know? Famous People Who Were Also Nurses

Nursing is a profession with an incredible history filled with trailblazers who redefined healthcare and made lasting impacts on public policy. Some of the world’s most influential people spent time as nurses, including figures and celebrities you might not have realized were nurses. Read on to discover some famous faces who have worked as nurses.  … Keep Reading

6 Tips for a Successful DNP Project

A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is a terminal degree that prepares registered nurses to perform at the highest level of nursing practice. A significant part of the DNP program includes a project and practicum that allows doctoral candidates to implement an evidence-based practice change in a healthcare facility. Coming at a critical point in … Keep Reading