Alumni Spotlight: Antwone Ray, BAPAS, “My commitment to making a difference in my community kept me going”

Antwone Ray, BAPAS Alumni

Antwone Ray graduated with his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Addiction Studies in February of 2024, is currently pursuing a Master’s degree, and aims to achieve a Doctorate. Antwone has dedicated his life to understanding and combating addiction through education and community support, all while raising his children. Read on to hear more about his efforts and aspirations to make a significant impact on addiction treatment and criminal justice reform.


My name is Antwone Ray, and at 30 years old, I find myself reflecting on a journey that has been both challenging and rewarding. I hail from Atlanta, GA, where I am not only the father of four incredible children—Keuntae (13), Jayceon (10), Karleigh (10), and Kaleb (8)—but also the President and Commander of Community Forces Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing residential addiction treatment.

My educational journey began with a strong desire to understand the complexities of human behavior and addiction. I pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Addiction Studies from Aspen University. Balancing fatherhood, work, and education was no easy feat. Every lecture, assignment, and exam brought its own set of challenges, but my commitment to making a difference in my community kept me going. I saw firsthand the destructive impact of addiction on families and communities, and I knew I wanted to be part of the solution.

Completing my Bachelor’s degree was a significant milestone, but I knew my journey wasn’t over. Currently, I am pursuing a Master’s degree in Psychology and Addiction Studies. This advanced education is providing me with deeper insights and more effective tools to help those struggling with addiction, particularly nonviolent offenders facing jail time for drug charges. Specializing in this area has allowed me to focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment, which I believe is crucial for breaking the cycle of addiction and incarceration.

My work with Community Forces Inc. has shown me that with the right support and treatment, individuals can overcome addiction and reclaim their lives. Our residential treatment center is a beacon of hope for many, providing not only medical and psychological support but also a sense of community and belonging.

Looking ahead, my aspirations continue to grow. I hope to one day obtain my Doctorate in Psychology. With this advanced degree, I hope to implement a comprehensive program for inmates that addresses the root causes of addiction and provides effective rehabilitation. Far too often, the criminal justice system focuses on punishment rather than rehabilitation, leading to high recidivism rates and broken lives. I believe that with the right approach, we can change this narrative and offer real, lasting change.

My journey has been filled with both struggles and achievements. From late nights studying to early mornings with my children, every step has required perseverance and determination. Yet, each challenge has also brought growth and a deeper understanding of my purpose. My children are my greatest motivation, reminding me daily of the importance of this work. They inspire me to create a better future not only for them but for all children who are impacted by addiction and incarceration in their families.

As I move forward, I am excited about the possibilities. I am committed to continuing my education, advancing my career, and most importantly, making a positive impact on my community. My work with Community Forces Inc. is just the beginning. By partnering with the state and other organizations, I believe we can create a system that truly supports rehabilitation and recovery.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story. I hope it serves as a testament to the power of education, perseverance, and community. Together, we can make a difference.

Antwone’s journey is a remarkable testament to the power of resilience, dedication, and a steadfast commitment to making a positive impact. His efforts in balancing fatherhood, education, and his work with Community Forces Inc. demonstrate an extraordinary level of perseverance and passion.

We are deeply inspired by his unwavering drive to support and rehabilitate those struggling with addiction and to create a better future for your children and community. Are you ready to impact your community through earning an advanced degree? Check out Aspen’s Master’s programs and Doctoral programs.

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