Student Spotlight: Cassidy D., BSN, “When life steers me into another educational journey, I know I can count on Aspen to be here for the next chapter”

Cassidy Davis, BSN

As the 2024 Commencement ceremony approaches, we’re thrilled to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of our graduates. One such graduate is Cassidy Davis, who just completed her BSN program in September 2024 and will soon be walking the stage. Join us as we explore Cassidy’s unique but relatable journey along her educational path.


My educational journey has been anything but conventional. I left high school with just one semester remaining, and that April in 2006, my life changed profoundly with the birth of my first child. My husband and I were determined to give our baby the best possible life. Seeing our son for the first time, I knew right away that we needed to ensure we could provide him with stability and opportunity. Within two months, I earned my GED and then enrolled in community college that fall.

At first, I wasn’t sure exactly what field of study to choose. I had always been inspired by my grandmother and aunt, who were both nurses. After considering a few other paths, I chose healthcare. Juggling part-time classes, full-time work, and raising our son was challenging. My educational journey slowed a bit and by 2009, my husband and I were married, and in 2010 our family grew with the birth of our daughter. Driven by our growing responsibilities, later that year I entered a practical nursing program, completed it successfully, and became a licensed nurse in 2012.

Becoming an LVN was a significant accomplishment, but I had continued encouragement from my husband, my dad, and other close family to pursue further education. I returned to school in 2013 to an ADN program, only to struggle and fail the first semester due to a lack of focus. The following summer, I was accepted again and returned to complete the ADN program, finishing in 2015. Our surprise daughter was born before I could sit for my RN boards, which I took and passed later in 2016. By this time, I swore I was done with school forever. As you might guess from my academic track record, my personal vow of being done with school didn’t stick.  Life had its own plans, and my educational journey wasn’t quite over.

In 2021, my role in leadership made me realize that pursuing a BSN could significantly enhance my career and credibility. After careful consideration of programs, I enrolled at Aspen University in 2022. I found the course style and the classroom platform to be a great fit for my demanding personal and professional schedule. In addition to that, Aspen’s flexible course registration approach allowed me to take a necessary pause while maintaining my place in the program.

My path led me on a scenic route – taking six years to obtain my LVN, four more to become an RN, and eight additional years to earn my BSN. Here is proof that every path is unique. To my fellow graduates of 2024 – however, you got here today, be proud of your journey and proud of this moment.

I am profoundly grateful for my husband’s unwavering support and uplifting motivation. His encouragement and positive influence are my source of strength. I also hope our children—now 18, 14, and 8—are proud of this achievement and see it as a testament to perseverance and dedication.

In closing, I want to admit that I have learned my lesson and won’t be making any vows to be done with school forever.  If and when life steers me into another educational journey, I know I can count on Aspen to be here for the next chapter.  As for me, I will continue to take the scenic route – after all, it’s the only path I’ve ever known.  I hope to see some of you on that journey as well.

Cassidy’s path to her BSN may have taken the scenic route, but every twist and turn helped to allocate time to her family and to shape the dedicated nurse she is today. Her journey reminds us that sometimes taking a long way around leads to the most rewarding destinations. Congratulations, Cassidy! We are excited to celebrate with you!


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